Arts education unlocks creative skills that last a lifetime.

Creativity at the Core

Teaching & Learning Resources

Strengthening and Expanding Arts Education in California Public Schools

The California County Superintendents believe that all California students from every geographic region and at every socioeconomic level deserve in-depth arts learning as part of the core curriculum. The Statewide Arts Initiative works at all levels to strengthen and expand arts education in California Public Schools and increase student access to sequential, standards-based arts education through a full complement of services utilizing the statewide county office of education infrastructure. One of its key purposes is to build educator capacity to implement California Arts Standards and the Arts Education Curriculum Framework.

2024-2025 Community of Practice:
Expanding Access to Arts Education

Community of Practice participants will build capacity to support their county or district to expand access to arts education by:

  • Exploring opportunities and models for expanding access to all students including emerging multilingual students, students with disabilities, and students in underserved communities
  • Deepening understanding of various funding streams and models for funding arts education
  • Sharing ideas and promising practices
  • Engaging in facilitated conversations with other arts education leaders around problems of practice

Dates: 9/27, 11/1, 12/6, 1/31, 3/7, 4/4

Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Student Artwork Featured on the California County Superintendents Directory!

This year the California County Superintendents began a new tradition of featuring student artwork on the cover of their membership directory. Learn more about the artwork and artist for the cover of the 2024-2025 directory by clicking the button below.

Featured Programs and Resources

Every kid deserves a quality education that includes the ARTS.

All California students from every culture, geographic region and socioeconomic level deserve quality ARTS learning in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts as part of the core curriculum.

Our Vision and Core Principles

The California County Superintendents Arts Initiative believes the visual and performing arts are an integral part of a comprehensive curriculum and are essential for learning in the 21st century. All California students from every culture, geographic region and socio-economic level–deserve quality arts learning in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts as part of the core curriculum.